What is Flex fare?

When booking a train ticket, you may come across the term "Flex Fare." But what exactly does it mean? Let's generate an answer for this question in simple English.

Flex Fare is a dynamic pricing system used by railways to adjust ticket prices based on demand and availability. This means that during peak times or high-demand periods, ticket prices may increase, while they may decrease during off-peak times. This system allows railways to manage capacity and pricing effectively.

Flex Fare aims to strike a balance between maximizing revenue for the railways and providing affordable options for passengers. By adjusting prices based on demand, the system encourages passengers to book tickets in advance or during off-peak times, thus helping to distribute demand more evenly.

Overall, Flex Fare is a pricing strategy that helps railways optimize their revenue and manage passenger flow effectively. Passengers need to be aware of Flex Fare when booking train tickets, as prices may vary depending on the time of booking and the demand for tickets.

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